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Friday Fargo Favorites # 9

A Day after Thanksgiving Edition of:
[Notice the picture changed...
Thanksgiving's over so... Bring on Christmas, people!]

Today, in honor of yesterday being Thanksgiving, I'd like to pay tribute to those who I am most thankful for here in Fargo- my darling family! They are my greatest treasure!!! Here are some things that makes me smile when I think of each of them:
1. Brett
His muscular, gorgeous bod. ;) He is one HOT boyfriend! His touch of distinguished silver in his hair. The way he is so thoughtful and romantic. What man these days makes roses out of Hershey kisses for his wife?? He is the hardest working Hubby/Father I know. He works all day and then each evening our Honey-DoDaddy-Look-At-This lists never end! He is so careful to make sure we all get some attention. He is so handy and can fix almost anything! He's AAAMMMAZING! The way he's become the "Norm" (from Cheers) @ the local Y- not the "beer drinking kind" but the "everyone knows you" Norm. Good thing I'm not the jealous-type wife! LOL. The way he is so complimentary about my work- whether it's my Mom job or my Crafting excursions. He is such a strong, righteous, honorable Priesthood holder. What a blessing he is in our home! He is so great at keeping our family close to the Lord- I even lovingly call him the Prayer-Nazi. LOL! He is more than I could ever ask for in a Boyfriend, Father-to-our-kids, Best Friend, Hubby & Eternal Companion. Love you so much, honey! XOXOXO!
2. Liberty
She is such a beautiful, kind-hearted lady! She's growing up way too fast. She's an awesome reader!! She can read a book a day. (& the Harry Potter kind in a week and she's only 9- Crazy! And it's totally comprehension as well- how the heck does she remember all that info?? LOL)  The way she answers the phone- She's so polite and sweet. She is so fabulous at taking care of her siblings. She is always playing with them, helping them and watching out for them. She is a fabulous student! Every teacher she has says they wish they could just clone her. She's great at everything at school. She is so brave! I love that she's on Student Council and loves to be of service. She is such a good friend. She's an awesome, brave missionary. She's always trying to invite her friends to Church. She continues to be a great Artist. She's always coming up with new things to create. We love ya, B!
3. Justice
Justice ROCKS at Spelling tests- There are weeks I forget to study with him very well but he normally gets 15 out of 10- bonus words are like twice as hard. Way to go, dude! He is an amazing Wii player. He picks up on the games so fast. He has the most contagious laugh ever!!! He can get us all rolling. He's been coming up with some really great jokes lately. He loves to make people laugh. He really LOVES his Dad - who better to look up to than Brett? I love it! He's so stinkin' handsome in his new glasses.  He's a hard worker and loves to fix things with his Dad. He likes learning new things. He can't wait until he can go Moose hunting in northern ND. (He has a book that has a picture of moose there- so that's gotta be where they live, right? LOL! He is so patient for living in a house full of girls. Don't get me wrong- he is ALL boy & very often makes me question his boy-like actions but bless his heart for the way he puts up with all the estrogen within these walls. He's such a handsome, kind kid. Luv ya Buddy!
4. Victoria
Her cute little voice. I just love to hear her talk and all the ideas she comes up with. She has the most fabulous, moon-shaped-eye, smile in the entire world!!! Her cute way of saying outfit- instead... she got a new "alphabet." LOL! She is about the most fabulous bedroom cleaner alive. You tell her you're gonna vacuum and she's a woman on a mission & it's not shoved places either- it's real spic-n-span clean!  She's only 4 but she completely folds and puts away all her own laundry. Amazing! She is quite an artist- (the "need to replace a forest daily" kind of artist ;)- My entire bedroom door is covered with amazing artwork made for Brett & I. She is so tender-hearted. She wants everyone to be happy. She's the self-proclaimed one-and-only Baby Sophie babysitter. I LOVE how gentle and protective she gets- always making sure that babies have their "baby space" [that's usually blankets that she has laid out on the floor for them to have have an area to play in] She is so thoughtful and always finding ways to surprise you with some kind of service. What a fabulous lady! Luv ya!
5. Glory
She's a spit fire. The energy that girl has is extraordinary! I love the way she throws me kisses and catches them every night before bed. She has such an adorable face. I just wanna squeeze it! She is still my baby even though she doesn't look like one anymore. Lately, she loves me to hold her & lay in bed with her. "Lay my bed, Mom!" If I don't do what she wants or say no- it's usually followed by an audible "AUUHHHH!" She loves when I read her books- Dora books are her favorite! Well- really she loves anything Dora. Every morning, she asks for "a drink of water/milk & watch a Dora show 'gain". She's a cracker! I laugh at the way she calls women's chests -Bubbles! LOL! She wants to be just like the other kids. Whether it's being funny, dancing, drawing, reading, laughing, etc. She loves babies (to death sometimes). She is a disaster maker but also loves to help you in anyway she can. Enjoy it while it lasts, right? They grow up so fast! IIIIII LOOOOOVE YYOOUU Glory!
So.... WHO are you grateful for today?

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