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Friday Fargo Favorites # 6

1. Holiday Partays
I am a Holiday FREAK!! I admit it, totally and completely! People think I'm crazy but I LOVE it! I LOVE decorating our house with my kids. They get so excited to get the new boxes out and find the treasures we've dearly missed for the last year. I LOVE getting dressed all festive for every holiday. I LOVE getting people together! (I only wish there was a Magic "clean my house before the ParTay" Fairy. Oh yah..... I forgot to tell you, I found one! Thanks McKenzie- you are awesome!) I love the planning, the people, the food, the games, the visiting, the photo ops, the dressing up, the blogging about it, the memories, EVERYTHING!! Can't we come up with Holidays for May and June and August and September? Maybe I'll just have to start throwing Mother's Day/ Father's Day ParTays. Anyone up for it? I'm sure we can do a Swim Holiday and a Back to School Partay, right? Anywho- I have been so lucky to have such fabulous friends here in Fargo to indulge me in my passion for the Holidays! Thanks guys!
2. Recipes  I was not well trained in the fine culinary arts. But I LOVE food! (Eating it at least) Since moving to Fargo, I have found some fabulous friends that are amazing cooks and bakers. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! There is always something new to try or crave or beg for. One of my favorite things here in Fargo is my copy of the coveted "Brooke's Cookbook". It has enough recipes in there for anyone to have new scrumptious things to eat for the rest of their lives. ;) And it's Out of Print so I am very lucky to have one. LOL! I also have countless other friends that have shared with me their expertise and recipes. Rhubarb bars, Chicken Poppy Seed Casserole, Eclair Cake, Oreo cookies, Crockpot Meatballs, Chicken Cabbage Salad, Salsa, Pickle Pulled Pork, Apple Cookies, Better than Sex Cake, BBQ Chicken Pizza, Chicken Fajita Soup, White Chili, Orange Salad, Baked Potato Soup, Caramel rolls, endless scrumptous cookies--Just to name a few. YUMMMY! To you all- my little family thanks you!!!!
3. My Blog
I am fully, insanely addicted to my blog! (I guess it's a week for confessions of my craziness) Before I started, I swore up and down I didn't have time for it and that I was worried it would take over my life. Ha! see, people- you should've listened to me!! LOL! But it is one of the best things I've decided to be addicted to. One of my dear friends reassures me, "You are creating an amazing family history" Exactly! (At least that's what I keep telling myself) As I look back over the last year and four months, I am so amazed at the fabulous time we have as a family. We do A LOT of stuff together! We are so blessed with family, friends, the Gospel, etc! What a great way to remember it all and share it with family and friends all over the World. My Mom recently said, "I read your blog and think 'What a busy, fun, productive, wonderful life your family has!' My only question is, 'When do you people ever sleep?'" LOL! I'll respond by quoting my new favorite TV show, Castle- "We'll get plenty of sleep when we're dead!" ;)
One other thing about my blog that makes me so excited and grateful for technology is the fact that I can publish it. I have 2 hard-bound additions neatly placed in my front room. I LOVE them! It's so fun to have a hard copy to look back at. AND think of all the time I saved myself from having to scrapbook it all. [No offense to the still-dedicated scrappers out there-miss ya!] Yeah for the BLOGGER world! I love you!
[And I know, I know- I should get on the Facebook bandwagon. I just can't make myself do it. How many obsessions can one person handle?? Unfortunately, I AM having abandonment issues in the blogger world. I feel I am one of the only ones left. It's a hard burden to carry. To facebook or not to facebook?? That is the question?? LOL!]
4. G.N.O.
Fargo is a hidden treasure when it comes to girlfriends! There is NO place in the world like it. Believe me... I have friends that have tried. I love that on any given day, I can email out to my friends (or make a call or two) that I NEED OUT and a handful of ladies will join me! Dinner, a movie, a ParTay, a pityparty talk, a shoulder to cry on, playdate, late night run for Dessert, crafting, sewing, chatting in the driveway until all the kids are in bed, a stop for ice cream- whatever you need, they provide! I LOVE my girlfriends and Girl's Night Out!! The rest of the world has no idea what they're missing! Hugs to all my Fargo Girlfriends!
Since my kids started school here in Fargo, I have no idea if they do this anywhere else but it is very nifty! Our school has set up the option to pay for school lunch online. I set a low balance amount and as soon as their balance hits that - they email me. Then I simply log-on, type the amount I want to pay for each kid, checkout and whoala!- the kids are fed! It's fantabulous! No more- "please pay now" notices and no more check after check after check to write. LOVE it!

So... What are YOU grateful for today?

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