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Friday Fargo Favorites # 8

1. Fabric Pumpkins
Every Fall for the rest of my life- when I pull out the November decor box, I will think fondly of my dear friend, Brooke Cook. A couple years ago, when we were serving in the Relief Society Presidency together, we were in charge of the Super Saturday Craft Day. One of the projects ended up being fabric pumpkins that Brooke has made a gazillion times. They are so easy and about as cute as you can get. We sewed up seams of tons of them that year. Every year since, it seems we make a couple more. I have them all over my house for November. So stinkin' cute! Happy Fall, ya'll!!
2. Babylock machine
When Brett found out that they wanted him to move to Fargo for his new job, our first reactions were probably the same as the rest of you-- "Fargo?- like the movie??" or "Where's that???" or "Do people really live in North Dakota?" LOL! Needless to say, I was afraid that moving to the middle of nowhere would put a huge damper on my Sewing opportunities. Questions like "do they sell fabric there?" or "do they even know what a Babylock is?" are important questions to a quilter! Well, luckily, Brett let me buy my Babylock Embrodiery Machine before we left Utah. I LOVE it! I never want to go back to a non-cutting/ foot pedal machine again. I'm totally spoiled! It is such a fabulous machine and has kept me sane on many cold Winter Fargo days. Better yet, there is one Babylock dealership here- only one but what more can you ask for? So see-- we're somewhat civilized here! LOL!
3. Hilary Week's CD from TOFW
One of my favorite memories of Fargo will always be TOFW (Time Out for Women). It's a Women's retreat with Motivational Speakers & Musical Performers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Until recently, they never held one in Utah. So, I had never really even know about it until my move here. A group of my Fargo girlfriends went for the 1st time in 2007. OMH! So FUNominal! We had the best time ever! The MC for the Weekend was Hilary Weeks. She was amazing! She's beautiful, funny, a loving & realistic mom, a wife, a Mormon, and an amazing singer. Spending time with my girlfriends and listening to Hilary was amazing! Everytime I listen to her CD- it brings me back. I LOVE it!
4. Construction Season over
I've told this joke before but it is appropriate to tell it again... There are only 2 seasons in Fargo. ONE is Winter. The OTHER is Construction!!! LOL! So true, so true! But our Season of Construction is almost at an end for this year. Yeah! No more ugly orange barrels, no more Speed Limit 40 signs on the freeway , no more dug up holes, no more lane closures, no more min fine $100, etc. Hurray! Unfortunately, it's probably the lesser of our two evils. ;) But there's a season for all things, right? Goodbye Orange- Hello White!!!!
5. The Safari
At the Seamons home, movies are the prime rib of entertainment. We LOVE them! Since moving to Fargo, we have instituted Friday Movie night- which we enjoy thoroughly. But on special occasions, we brave us all at the Theater. What beats a movie on the big screen with popcorn and licorice? But- have you taken 6 people to the movies lately? It's a killer on the pocketbook. So hence- my Fargo Favorite for today is The Safari Theater in Moorhead, MN. It's what we lovely call our Dollar Theater even if it is $2.50 a ticket. It's right off the freeway just across the state border. Less than 15 minutes and we get to enjoy some affordable big screen entertainment for the whole family!

So... What are YOU grateful for this week?

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