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Our Favorite Shows

Brett & Shay LOVE watching movies/shows together. We didn't use to but now it's just part of our spending time together. Several times a week (late at night unfortunately- we have kids, don't ya know) we can be found, relaxing on the two couches in the living room in front of the big screen. (I know-- how is that together? Someday, people, we'll have a big comfy couch we snuggled together on- but we'll let you know when we plant the money tree in the backyard LOL!)
Well, our 2 constant shows (mostly on DVDs now) are first, Keifer Sutherland's 24 ( AND Dennis Haysbert's The Unit ( Yeah!!! We love these shows!
1st- 24. This show came into our life's 6 years ago when Brett left for 6 months to training. On one of his visits home, he told me about this show that some of the guys told him to watch. He explained it and I thought- "Whatever. I'm not watching that show." Well, Brett rented Season 1, Disk 1 which had like 4-8 episodes on it. I think that first night or two we watched the whole thing- all 4-8 hours and we were hooked. We have followed Jack Bauer through all 8 1/2 of his days. It's is so intense and aggravating and fabulous all at the same time. Unfortunately, there does come a point where enough is enough. LOL! Brett and I tease these days about Jack--- our latest is "If I have to hear Jack say 'I give you my word' one more time I'm gonna barf" LOL. OR Can't someone just shoot Jack! Really! We have loved you for years, our dear Jack... the ride was fun but it's time to be done. (Sorry Jack) We'll will for sure miss it when they are done with all his adventures but you can only beat the crap out of everyone for so many years then it's time to get a real life. No offense to the 24 die-hards. We know your still out there. :)
Here's a little walk down MemoryLane with Jack:
Our dear friends, the Kings introduced us to this amazing show during Season 4 which unfortunately was it's last. Because of withdrawals, we decided to watch them all and start at the beginning. It's pretty intense but just amazing. We LOVE this show. It's based on a book called Delta Force about a Special Ops group. There's good looking men, patriotism, beating up the bad guys, strong women and love all wrapped up in one amazing package. I am so sad that they canceled it. Such a bummer! Here's our new friends:
And some of the rest of the Cast:
Then this last week, we were watching part of Season 3 and a tragedy occured. [if you haven't seen them and plan to you- you better skip this part. Trust me, you don't want to know. :( I'll put it down a ways so you don't have to see] It was so shocking and sad and thought provoking. Dang real life!




Anyways, Hector died. I can't believe it. So sad!! So here's our shout out to Hector Williams. We will miss you!
In case, you are now worried about us, we do also lead a real life. We try to be anxiously engaged in many good causes besides spending time with our "Beat 'em up" friends. But sure do enjoy being part of their adventures. Yeah for make-believe!

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