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All Tucker-ed Out

OK so that doesn't sound like it's a good thing but it is! Time with our new friends, the Tuckers, is always a blast! Along with them joining our babysitting group every other weekend, we also spent the evening with them on the night of the Priesthood Session. It's been a long time since Justice had a guy friend he could really WWF with so Austin Tucker is the greatest!!!! The second they see each other, it is really Paid-Preview Smackdown and they LOVE every minute!
Tomorrow, Austin turns 5 so they had a bunch of us over for a Bday get-together for him. We had a lot of fun!
They have a fun little park next to their house so the kids all played in the sand, climbed through the tubes, played in the swings and went down the slides. I didn't get any pictures of them before lunch though.
The Tuckers fed us a yummy Summer lunch including hot dogs on the grill. Jared planned games. He did a great job. The kids did 3-legged races with rubber bands (OUCH!! LOL), and plastic sack races. Then they did a special Scooby-Doo Treasure Hunt and found GOLD! (Chocolate Gold Coins) YEAH!!! They finished the Party out by frosting our own cupcakes and getting awesome Sport- themed treats bags. Thanks Tuckers!
Everyone had a blast! Well, until the last slide run of the day! Oops! Glory and Carson were having a blast chasing each other around. Glory was a little too slow for the game so Carson tried to help her along a bit. It just happened to be at the top of the very tall, very fast slide. OUCH! I don't think that face planting into the gravely sand below was part of the game plan. Poor baby! She totally looks like one abused girly. Such is life in the fast (& fun) lane!
Except for the little sand eating, it was a perfect day. We just luv the Tuckers! Happy BDay Austin!

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