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Primary Program

The kids participated in the annual Primary Program today. They did an amazing job!!!
This was their parts:
Mom went up to hold her and all the Nursery parents sang You are a Child of God. She just smiled at all the kids instead of looking into the audience. She would have loved to be up on the stage with them the whole time! ;)
"I know Jesus loves me because my Dad earns money at work."
(She said she can't think of anything else to add to that. LOL- Also, she is having issues with being away from Mom lately so most of the program consisted of this sweet little girl with tears running down her face. Way to be brave though!)
"I feel my Savior's love when I say my prayers, choose the right and feel the Spirit."
"I can follow Jesus Christ's example in many ways. Some of these ways are choosing the right, saying my prayers every day, studying the scriptures both personally and with my family, and keeping all of His commandments. Even though I am young I can also follow His example by being a missionary to share His Gospel message to others. I can do this by being a good example, giving my friends Gospel information or inviting them to activities or to Church. I know my Savior lives. I love Him and know that He loves me. I also know that as I follow His example, I will be able to live with Him again. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
What great testimonies they have!!! Luv ya, cute kids!

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