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Fence Fixing

What a hard-working hubby I have!
Our side fence has had a leaning problem since we moved in. Unfortunately, it has not been high on the priority list. AND what is fence etiquette anyways? Who do they belong to and who is supposed to foot the bill? Well, I guess in this case since the posts are on our side- it is ours. Our neighbor stuck his head over the fence the other day and told us we need to fix it. His wife was less than polite about it from their back door. ;) She strongly stated that it almost fell on her the other day. She's a little on the dramatic side but it was leaning pretty bad lately. Well, Brett has been gone more than he's been home this month so not only do we have no desire to spend the money on that right now but he also really doesn't have the time. BUT- my hubby is amazing and so....
In his very small bit of spare time between traveling- he propped the fence, took out 2 of the posts, dug deeper holes, put in new posts, pored cement, and put the fence back together. The rest of the fence will have to be done at some point but at least it isn't gonna fall on her anytime soon. Thanks Honey! You are so handy!! XOXO!
(I unfortunately never got a picture of how bad the first 2 were leaning but they did have a big satelite dish connected to them as well- I'm sure that made it seem more dramatic. In the bottom right picture, you can see how bad the back couple are leaning- that gives you an idea.)

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