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FarGo Marathan

As you know, our dear friends the Kings are leaving us soon. We are trying to savor all the opportunities to have Liberty & Savannah do things together before they leave. Well the Kings are great runners; the Seamons... not so much. LOL! But Liberty decided that she'd really like to run the 1 mile with Savannah and get a T-Shirt and a medal so, they did. [Even more amazing is that Liberty was sick last week so she hasn't had much energy and then on Friday, she stepped on a nail. She didn't walk for 3days so we weren't sure she'd even be able to walk the mile, let alone run it:] Telindalee was nice enough to take her up with them early but our whole family came to support and watch her run. They were running a little behind on the time so Brett and the kids played tag and made some new friends while we waited. We saw them start out strong and went to the finish line to see them come in. Caden was darn fast and I love the shot we got of him. He did awesome! The girls finish holding hands and pretty red in the faces. The announcer even announced their names due to the fact that Brett was cheering for them right next to him. It was fun to hear them announced over the loud speaker across the finish line. LOL! The only complaint was that they ran out of water (everyone was supposed to get a medal and a water bottle at the end of the race) just before the girls finished so they were NOT happy campers. Nonetheless, we are very proud of them! Great job you guys! Way to GOfar!

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