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Half a Dinner, Half a Movie

Knowing that I was going to be on my own for a while, a Girl's Night was in order. I emailed some friends to join me for dinner and a movie. After the night's events, we joked that it turned out to be more like "half a dinner and half a movie". LOL! Too funny! Best laid plans, I guess. Here's why:
Liberty and Bryn decided that they needed to have a "Late Over" (our compromise to the kids since we don't do sleepovers) while school was out for Spring Break. It turned out that Thursday worked for both the Girl's night and the Late-over so I told KBro I would drop off Liberty and pick her up. KBro wasn't quite ready and since Haylie lives right around the corner, I decided to grab Haylie and come back for KBro. On the short drive back, my van started making a wierd noise like a flat tire. DANG IT ALL! It turned out to be a bolt in my front driver side tire. After a call to Brett and parking it on the road, the bolt fell out and it looked like it might be fine but we didn't want to chance a flat at dinner or the theater. So, KBro lovingly drove the Green Beast for us. Thanks lady! However, the damage was done and we were LATE!!! Late to my own partay. Now that is classy! LOL!
We picked up Jen M. and met Lisa, Ashlee and Deb at Olive Garden. Due to being late, the dinner rush had invaded AND due to the size of our group, it took awhile to get seated. Instead of 5:45, we made our way to our table at 6:15. Oops! We told the waitress that we were trying to make it to a 7:00 movie. She was fabulous and so was the food! We all scarfed it down as fast as we could. I told all the ladies- "Eat fast but make sure you enjoy it!" :) Not sure those 2 things are possible together but we got a good laugh out if it.
After paying the bill right around seven, we booked it to the theater. The line was LONG and they only had one lady selling tickets and answering phones. Guess they weren't prepared for a Thursday night  movie rush either? As we stood there, we soon realized that "Blindside" was NOT on the board. ....WHAT???? I had looked up times on the Internet when I sent out the email. Where was it? Finally, some guy in front of us looked it up on his phone and found it at West Acres not Century 10. DUMB!!! So we all loaded back in the cars and headed for the other theater. Oops! Sorry ladies! KBro tried to make the car ride into a dangerous, scary, roller coaster ride and I screamed with my arms in the air the whole way there! She didn't think I was very funny but..... I am!! LOL! The movie was so wonderful! Definitely a keeper! Funny and clean and Ahhhhhh and a great message. We actually only missed the previews and a few of the opening credits but with all the damage done- the night will always be known as our "half a dinner, half a movie Girl's Night Out!

Thanks ladies! It is always awesome to spend time with you!
I am so LUCKY to have friends like you!

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