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Fargo Favorites #43

1. Hardworking neighbors
As Hurricane Fargo came through our neighborhood over Memorial Day, many fences were damaged. One included sections of our next door neighbors, the Rays. Well, they have been hard at work this week redoing their entire fence. It's actually been kind of fun having the fence down. It's made our yards look humongous! Not to mention the kids have had a blast playing together. I do love our fenced backyard privacy though so it will be nice when it's finished. The fence is looking awesome- they have done a great job! Also, they are so generous! (or maybe tired of seeing Brett's toys kill the grass by the side of the house. lol) As they've put in posts for their new fence, they have maneuvered them a bit to allow us to get our Popup and our Go-Karts into our backyard. Thanks guys! You're such hard-working, awesome neighbors!
2. Tropical Weather
So... when you think of Fargo- you think... well, 1st- "Where?" LOL!!
BUT next- you think "Artic Region." Afterall there are very distinct seasons here. Winter, Winter, Winter and Construction! Again, LOL.
But this year, we have added a new season... Tropical Rainforest Season. What is this, you ask? Well it's when severe thunderstorm/downpouring 2" of rain in a half an hour meets 70 mile an hour winds (setting off the Tornado sirens at 4 AM) accompanied by 95 degree temps. (That makes it 107 degree with the heat index) Sweaty is the best word for this season! But this chicka is NOT allowed to complain! There is sunshine, blessed sunshine EVERYday and that's what I've been asking for. So, word of caution... be careful what you wish for! Especially when it comes to Fargo weather! ;)
3. Clean Closets
I am weird! But hey- I have never pretended not to be! Proof is henceforth coming with this next picture. I would not say that I am a pig but I am NOT a clean freak either. Well at least when it comes to parts of the house people actually see. LOL! I can not even tell you how much I LOVE a clean closet. Everything in it's place, stacked nice and labeled if possible. See weird, I know! With my vacation this week (oh I mean... me staying home from Brett's vacation. LOL ;o), I was able to happily clean out and organize some closets. Aren't they so pretty!? YEAH!!! Heaven for me!
4. My Family back
Even though I did enjoy my little break from the normality of life, I am so glad my little family is back home. Glory and I sure missed them. What a great family! I am so glad that they got home safely. It was a LONG trip for one day! Hopefully, we can get them all 100% soon- health and sleep! (Sorry B that you spend most your trip not feeling well) Love you guys!
5. Red River Valley Speedway
Living close to the Fairgrounds brings all sorts of excitement to your life. The Red River Valley Speedway hosts races every Wednesday night. Just like the Fair, if you close your eyes it's like your there in the stands. So LOUD!!! Maybe we'll actually go see one of the races this year!

How's your
Attitude of Gratitude

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