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GNO: The Help

This was a busy week for our Fam but I managed to get away for a minute or two tonight. Yeah for GNO! We had so many ladies come out this time. So fun! We ended up with 18 ladies for dinner at Applebee's. The food was so yummy and the waitress was so fabulous to us. I love visiting and eating with these awesome Fargo ladies!
Then we headed to the movies. A few ladies had already seen it or needed to get home but we also had some other friends join us! Thanks Betsy (& her 2 friends), Robbie and Cortnee for meeting us! [This was Cortnee's 1st joining our crazy little group. Hopefully she comes back! LOL] We passed around tons of treats, we laughed, we cried, we laughed some more, and we cried some more. Then after we visited outside until we had to pee. What a great night!!
Delicious food, such a good movie, and awesome friends!
I love, love GNO!
Thanks ladies for getting out with me!

P.S. SAD Sidenote!--- KBro & I decided to take our dinners with us to the movie to finish them. We even got to-go-forks! LOL Then the movie was so good we never had time to take them out! Unfortunately, my camera was in there and in the process of swinging my bag, taking treats in & out and getting home- my Oriental Chicken Salad Dressing leaked. (Insert a humungous pouty lip here) It leaked right into and on my camera. Needless to say... my camera is DEAD! It won't turn on and the insides are filled with oily liquied. Luckily I saved the card and pulled the pictures off in the computer slot. But the camera is shot! I am so SAD! So until I get a new one.... pictures on the blog are gonna be slim! Dang!

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