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Fargo Favorites #49

Can you believe it's been almost an entire year of Fargo Favorites? Holy Cow! Any suggestions on what to do for the next 52 weeks??? I want to do something weekly but maybe a little more on the doing something than just noticing things. Let me know what you think. I've only got a couple weeks to think of something. ;o)
1. Chick N Hens
A couple of years ago, my neighbor let me transfer some of these Sempervivum to my flowerbed. I have always called them Chick N Hens but actually they are officially called Hen-and-chickens Oops! Too funny! They remind me of my Uncle Bud & Aunt Kathie's place. They used to have them growing in their flower beds when we lived there. They make me miss it there a bit! I love how they fill in to all the cracks and grow no matter what! My kinda plant! ;) We have quite a few make it to full maturity. They are actually quite pretty when they flower. Sadly, once they do that- they die! But tons more grow in their place. Just like real families. I love it!!!
2. West Fargo Grand Canyon
When I first moved here- I was shocked to find that the house we bought had NO sprinklers. Are you kidding me??? How is anything gonna grow?? [This is from a lifetime Utahn] BUT, that is one thing I totally love about Fargo. We dont need sprinklers. We are taken care of by Mother Nature herself. In fact it is now September and we have not once watered our yard or our garden. We actually are barely starting to notice the effects of a couple of weeks without a lot of rain. One of those effects is a deep crevice in our backyard. We had a cable buried this Spring from the Phone Company and due to the lack of rain it has split WIDE open. Too funny! By next Spring you won't even be able to see it but right now we are putting ourselves on the National State Parks list for the West Fargo Grand Canyon. LOL!

3. Our Jayco Popup Trailer
We have totally LOVED our camping experiences this year! We have never been campers. EVER! In 15 years of marriage I can count on my fingers the times we have gone. That's sad. I guess the idea of packing everything up, driving, pitching a tent, sleeping on the ground, possibly getting rained on- has never appealed to us! BUT when our good friends, the Babcocks moved and wanted to know if we'd like to buy their popup- Brett got very excited! I will admit, I was not fully on board. Remember our camping track record?? Why would we spend that kind of mula on something that we wouldn't even have a place to park it. It seemed a little silly to me. A Summer later and I have some repenting to do. I love it! I actually want to go camping more than Brett nowadays. It can store most everything in there. We sleep on a mattress and it has plug ins so we get music and white noise and air circulation! YEAH!! I love, love, love it! I don't dare pull it my self yet. I'm a whimp! But if anyone out there can pull a trailer, you want to go camping with me?
4. Christmas Lights in August
We have a dilemma! It's now the beginning of September and our Christmas lights are still up! Do we take them down or just leave them up??? LOL! {The funny thing is that here in Fargo- you really do normally put lights up sometime in October before it snows and don't take them down until March when it melts but this year we are pushing it a bit!} At this point, I guess we'll just continue to look a little bit redneck or something around here. It really isn't worth taking them down now!
5. Rhubarb Bars
I never tried Rhubarb until I moved to Fargo. Then my dear friend Amber started bringing them to Potluck stuff. At a Fargo Potluck there is ALWAYS way too much to ever eat everything so I would get lucky and she would send the rest home with me. I never share with my family because I always eat them ALL before anyone else has a chance to. Oops! Then she was a big meany and moved away! ;o( And believe me- they are never as good when I make them! Lucky for me, Jen M. has come to my rescue. She made some the other day for a potluck and sent me home with a big plate. I do think I shared ONE with Liberty. So see, I'm improving! LOL! I love Rhubarb bars! [I'm actually trying to grow one in my backyard.. It's not going too well but Jen did stock my freezer full of rhubarb bags so if I can just learn to make them like Amber- I'm set!!]
So... Surprise yourself,
be grateful and
find out what your life is FULL of!

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