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Happy BDay to our BOY!

We Partayed ALL day today to celebrate Justice's 8th birthday!
Justice and Brett started out the morning by making a Go-Kart run for some Sandy's Donuts. They looked pretty awesome all decked out in their new helmets! ;) Then, Brett made a humongous, yummy breakfast for our BDay boy per his request! Donuts, eggs, bacon and chocolate milk. Of course, that was about as long as he could wait for presents. So, rip 'em open, kid!!! He got tons of stuff. Thanks for those that sent things! (We miss you) His favorites included anything Pokemon and his 2 new Webkinz friends! 
He enjoyed the rest of the morning with all his new treasures until all our guests arrived. Since his Bday this year landed on Easter weekend, we made the annual Easter Hunt into one big Birthday/Easter Bash. After the hunt and lunch, everyone joined us in singing "Happy Birthday" to Justice. Make a wish, buddy! 
The rest of the night was filled with movies, playing with new toys, decorating Easter eggs, a few Egg Fights and spending time with the fam.
Hope you had a Terrific Day, Justice.
We sure luv ya!
We were so stuffed from the day that we saved his Birthday Meal for Sunday. His request was T-Bone steaks, crescent rolls, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and Eclair Cake. With it being Easter, we had to throw in some Deviled Eggs as well- which he loves so it was a bonus! We invited Matt & Haylie over to celebrate with us. I totally spaced taking a picture of us singing the Bday song over his Eclair cake. Oops! But what a great BDay weekend. Happy Birthday Buddy! We're way excited for your upcoming Baptism. Yeah!
OK! So I lied! I just found a picture of us singing over his Eclair Cake!
Happy Birthday to You!

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