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Lunch (OK-dinner) in the Park

Brett is out of town again this week for a bit. ....That boy!!! He just keeps abandoning us. LOL! So when Matt & Haylie called and asked if we were up for dinner at the park- we were so excited! The weather here has FINALLY been nice. YEAH!!! I so needed so good weather for my sanity. It was nearly 70 degrees today. It was gorgeous! We spent most of the day with the windows or doors open or outside playing. Yeah for Spring!!! It's about time- no joke.
The Cudney kids also came to play while Allison was finishing up her LAST Blue & Gold Banquet for the CubScouts. (HURRAY for Allison!!!!) It's been a while since they have been over and we have missed them. We need to get together more often (hinthint).
We all had a great dinner and a fabulous time at the Park! Thanks Ironroads. We are so LUCKY to have you as part of our family! Luv ya!!!!

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